New paper about improved UMPA version published in Optics Express

Illustration of the techniques used for cost function minimization and interpolation in the new implementation of UMPA
Illustration of the techniques used for cost function minimization and interpolation in the new implementation of UMPA

UMPA (short for “Unified Modulated Pattern Analysis”) is a technique for extracting sample information from X-ray images acquired with e.g., speckle-based or grating-based techniques.

Our work on a faster, improved version of UMPA (see also our previous post about the preprint) has recently been published in Optics Express1DeMarco2023! The paper is available here (open access), and the software itself can be found on GitHub and Zenodo. Find out more about our research here.


1 F. De Marco, S. Savatović, R. Smith, V. Di Trapani, M. Margini, G. Lautizi and P. Thibault, High-speed processing of X-ray wavefront marking data with the Unified Modulated Pattern Analysis (UMPA) model, Optics Express (2023)